What is the energy surrounding you this month and your guidance to embrace it and have a great month
Quick links: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Aries - March 21 to April 20

Welcome to April , your sign is governed by fire and the the energy of the Ram.
This month you will be offered some challenges or obstacles; people may challenge your ideas or your success….but this is a good thing, it means you are on the right path and you should hold strong to what you are doing. Ground and protect your energy as things are gaining momentum and challenges is a sure sign of success. Continue on your path, enjoy overcoming any challenges that lay in your way, they are no match for you… and if you stay in your confidence, you can even have fun with this. You are strong and independent. If you feel vulnerable at any stage, back yourself with positive affirmations.
Your guidance for this month is to move beyond the limits of your mind or what you tell yourself you can or cant do, they are only blocks to your success, so shift them out, don't buy into them and move your attention to your heart, to your truth … go with what you know is right deep inside because it is only you and your guides who truly know what is exactly right for you. Claim your personal power sweet ram and move forward with a strong and positive perspective. You’re amazing.
Taurus - April 21 to May 21

Welcome to April little bull, your sign is governed by earth.
This month you can expect exciting new beginnings, you will be feeling the buzz of fresh new ideas which will lead to a new and different direction. This new thing in your life, whether it is a new job, a new idea, a new relationship or a new direction will be both exciting and a little unknown. If you are facing a decision, you are encouraged to embrace the unknown with confidence and enthusiasm.
Your guidance for this month is to know that you are exactly where you are meant to be at this point in your life. To be grounded and present in the moment…. So no overthinking! Move forward knowing this new path will be a success for you. Complete any tasks that need completing so you can move forward baggage free. This is the right path for you so keep the momentum going strong little bull.
Gemini - May 22 to June 21

Welcome to April, your sign is governed by the twins, the panther and by air.
This month you can expect lots of wonderful new creative ideas and there is even the possibility of new love for you too. There is also the possibility of a new job offer coming your way, one that will leave you very happy as it will be a position that you quite enjoy and will bring you much fulfilment. There is lots of emotional and creative energy moving around you and your intuition will be strong this month too.
Your guidance is to work hard, think smart and never give up. Trust your intuition, keep your mindset strong and in the positive, and embrace your imagination to picture the best possible outcome. Embrace new opportunities to get yourself onto a wonderful positive path where you can work smarter, not harder….do you need a pivot in your old way of thinking? (EFT Tapping is great to help with this) Prepare in any way you can so you can ensure a successful month.
Cancer - June 22 to July 22

Welcome to April little crab, your sign is governed by water.
This month marks the beginning of / or a new stage in your career. Things are starting off very well for you as you are surrounded by a very grounded and stable energy. You will be getting things done efficiently with a very practical approach that with hard work and attention will lead to great financial and emotional success. This is the month to plant your seeds so they can bloom into something wonderful…slow and steady wins the race.
Your guidance is to know exactly what you want and to keep focused on that, don't let your mind wander. Get started putting your plans into action and pay attention to clear and sound advice from others. By implementing structure, order and routine, you are assured success. Be decisive and take a rational and mature approach which blends the mental and spiritual, this will bring optimal results.
Leo - July 23 to Aug 22

Welcome to April, you are governed by fire and by the strong Lion.
This month you will feel the pull of ‘there has to be something more’ even though things are going well, you will find yourself taking the time to ponder what brings you greater fulfilment.
This month your inner strength will be very strong as you contemplate what is next. You may find yourself breaking away from emotional connections (or having emotional connections break away from you) or something that makes you feel secure, in order to find out what your heart and soul really need moving forward. This is a wonderful growth period for you, your soul wants more!
Your guidance is to choose what makes your heart feel good, be compassionate with yourself and others and be brave enough to make the right choices (healthy boundaries) . This is a time to explore your beliefs and values to get you to the right answer, ergo, the right direction. Take time, all important decisions need to be made in a slow and well thought out way (blending reason and passion) , and be sure to connect into your higher self through meditation or long walks, to enable you to be clear on your next moves.
Virgo - Aug 23 to Sept 22

Welcome to April, your sign is governed by the maiden and the fox and by the Earth element.
This month you will be surrounded with the energy of deep love and commitment; partnerships of all kinds will be strengthened and if you are single, it is very likely that new love will enter your life. Harmony and happiness will surround you and fill your relationships. If you are out of harmony in an area of your life, it is likely that the need for decisions will arise. You will need to make decisions with compassion and for your highest good, decisions that will take you further away from doubts, fears or inhibitions and closer to harmony and love.
Your guidance is to make decisions based on your long term security and happiness, think things through with your attention being on how to get things, circumstances and people in your life that will make you truly happy and fulfilled. Teamwork and a community or family mindset are also advocated here, reminding you that everyone benefits when everyone is feeling good, so what can you do to help others and your group/ family feel happy too? After all, life is so much better when everyone is feeling happy and fulfilled.
Let the important people in your life know how much they mean to you, go give someone a hug or a call.
Libra - Sept 23 to Oct 22

Welcome to April, you are governed by the scales, by balance, by the rabbit and by air.
This month is all about inner strength for you, you will be feeling confident in yourself, knowing that you can overcome any obstacles that come in your way. You will have a calm sense of knowing about what is right and will easily ‘act’ in response to events, rather than ‘react’. Your stamina and persistence will be unparalleled, this month you can achieve almost anything with composure and maturity. From this state of emotional peace and wellbeing, you will find you have greater access to the intuitive voice within as it nudges and encourages you towards what is eternally right for you right now. If you are faced with challenges, know that you absolutely have the inner strength to overcome anything with peace and calm…aka, from a higher, more positive mindset, so take a moment and a breath before you choose your course of action, so you are acting, not reacting.
Your guidance is to stay grounded and calm. Take things one step at a time and act on that new idea for career, or pursue the plans that you have been thinking about, you have what it takes to make things a success. This wonderful mature and gentle yet strong energy that surrounds you this month, is enabling you (by getting you out of your head) to access deeper wisdom within, and that is where the gold is…. Its time to take action on the wonderful ideas or changes this month because with hard work and determination, success will result.
Scorpio - Oct 23 to Nov 21

Welcome to April, your sign is governed by water and of course, the scorpion…and the phoenix
This month you are being surrounded by the energy of change, determination, deception and shrewd perception. Keep your wits about you this month as someone may not have your best interest at heart, if you suspect foul play or deceit, its likely true (think Cunning Fox type energy) and if it is you that is not being entirely honest, make sure you are thinking things through.
On the other hand, you may be encouraged to make a pivot in something you are doing (career, love, lifestyle); doing something differently or going it alone might be what is called for, trust your gut and know that positive mental habits will lead to successful results….work smarter, not harder is the goal.
Your guidance is two fold, firstly its time to take the reins of what it is you want to achieve and make change happen, if you need to study do that too. Now is the time to get really clear on what you want and who you are, do this through exploring your spiritual side, meditating or seeking advice from a spiritual mentor. It could be that someone, or even a group or institution, has the key to help you to open up your mind and your expectations which will allow you to make the changes and pivot in your life. Secondly, allow help from an expert, someone who has gone before. Self- discipline is also an advantage for you at this time.
Sagittarius - Nov 22 to Dec 21

Welcome to April, your sign is governed by fire and the archer and the centaur
This month you will feel the allure of ‘Is there something better’, and you will wonder if you should stay in your comfort zone or take the risk and venture out into something new and different. Excitement is in the air at the possibility of whats next and guess what, the world is your oyster and you are being invited out to find more, to be more, to do more. Embrace the courage and excitement that is in the air around you this month and start making plans and taking action, you are ready to move forward. It is also likely that overseas travel or work are on the cards for you.
Your guidance is to embrace all that you have learnt in the past, to let go of things or pain that doesn't serve you any more (aka, don't carry emotional baggage around with you). Practice the art of self acceptance and do this new thing, for yourself….just because you can and because it is good to look after you and do what you are here to do. You are here for more, so don't let others opinions or rules hold you back. And always remember, failure does not equal that you are a failure, failure equals that you are strong, wise and resilient and you have learnt something new… and will carry on with strength and pride, knowing you will find the right thing for you.
Capricorn - Dec 22 to Jan 20

Welcome to April, your sign is governed by the energy of the earth and the seagoat
This month you can expect the energy of change to have things moving in a good direction for you. There will be improvements in many areas, and life is becoming more fulfilling, relationships are likely to become more committed or a change added in (ie; a baby) and work is also on track for positive changes. If you are having difficulty in an area of life, this change is still be a positive change that will deliver you to where you are meant to be in life, though it is likely the sort of change that will shake things up to get the change instigated. However you experience this energy of change, know that it is in a positive direction for you.
Your guidance is to remember that change is a necessary part of life, don't waste energy holding on to the past, you can only move forward in life, so embrace the changes and do everything you can to build the life of your dreams. Prepare yourself as much as you can for the life you desire, make it your project, visualise things you want, know how you want to feel. Your guidance is to cut yourself loose from things that are not in your heart anymore, things that you have outgrown and move forward now. .
Aquarius - Jan 21 to Feb 19

Welcome to April, you are governed by air and the water carrier animal which is also owl
This month you will be surrounded by a powerful energy that will have you feeling great, you will have a take charge attitude, your focus and drive will be off the charts, and you will be driven by a fierce sense of determination. Things are coming together for you this month and its all because you are in the zone, feeling strong and in a calm sense of control. Career advancement or success is likely this month as is a new car or a driving holiday.
Your guidance: if you are facing a conflicting or complicated decision, research will help you as well as listening to your intuition. No more procrastinating or living with your head in dreams and what if’s, its time to pick something, focus on it and go for it without looking back. Its time to turn that thing you have been wanting, into a reality (make sure you think it through and are not taking a shortcut or doing something for immediate gratification, these things can be tempting but will not be successful in the long run) .
Pisces - Feb 20 to March 20

Welcome to April little fishy, your sign is governed by water
This month you are surrounded by the refreshing energy of playfulness, freedom, joy, happiness and adventure. Good things are heading your way and life is wonderful right now. Any plans you have in place will succeed wonderfully and you are surrounded by positivity. Awards and public recognition are very possible this month too. This month will have you feeling that all is well in your world.
Your guidance is to listen to your dreams and intuition as messages are strong right now. Face any fears head on with joy and positivity so you can flow right through them, don’t give into fears and the deception of the mind - or others- break free of anything that is holding you back or making you feel helpless, have confidence in yourself and allow yourself to enjoy life to the fullest. Embrace a bit more energy, spice up your life, have more fun, live a little wilder, after all, you are here to enjoy your life right!