Hello lovely,
Here is your 'Positive' Guidance for your horoscope for October 2021; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)
HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.
Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.
I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best selves...now go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!
If you would like clear guidance that is more specific to you exactly, please message me at: m.me/sunshinecoastspiritmedium or sunshinecoastspiritmedium@gmail.com to discuss an accurate private one on one, phone / video reading from anywhere in the world.
Blessings, Love and Light
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium
Aries - March 21 - April 19
The energy surrounding you this month is one of finding your purpose & becoming more in alignment with your inner truth. Your intuition / feelings are clear and correct about your next steps. This is a time to be honest with yourself, to be willing to let go of any negativity that is holding you back. You may find yourself faced with decisions this month, know that they will work out positively for you. This month is a time of rebirth for you, you are awakening to a new level, this requires forgiveness and reflection of your path with a gentle heart. This is a time for life changing decisions that are for your highest good.
Guidance - To get yourself moving in the right direction can be hard, especially when there are a lot of opinions around you. However, if you are going to get your life on track, you must make a decision on your own. Get yourself to a place where you can find quiet and get in touch with what is right for you, then figure out what is calling to your heart and make a decision to go with that...regardless of anyone else's opinion. Then trust.
Taurus - April 20 - May 20
October brings with it a huge opportunity for growth. You may find that stress and worry are very strong right now, but know that this is only causing you stress because you are putting your attention on things that are not right for your soul, and this means that you can grow tremendously through this month. Ergo, you are focusing on too much negativity and you need to be more gentle on yourself. Finding your inner strength to be adaptable and flexible will lighten your mindset significantly
Guidance - Allowing yourself to keep things simple, to deliberately focus on warmth, compassion and gratitude, even for the simplest things like having electricity to keep your fridge and washing machine going. And choose to allow yourself to feel inner joy. You’ve got this!
Gemini - May 21 - June 20
October will bring an aspect of challenge for you, but know that any heavy feelings are signs for you to do some self nurturing. The dali lama says “This too shall pass” and so it shall. Look towards forgiveness and take positive lessons from situations (instead of focusing on the negative) and allow your precious heart and soul any time it needs in order to heal & recharge. Remember the phoenix arises from the ashes & so too shall you.
Guidance - Bring your focus to love, to the warmth and support of family and/or friends. Spend time in nature and bring your thoughts, and the love in your heart, to your happily ever after..keep focused on this as an anchor to where you are headed through growth, due to any difficulties or heart break.
Cancer - June 21 - July 22
Vision, inspiration and drive to succeed with your passion is filling your life in October. You will be filled with inspiration to fulfil your purpose or project, know that you have the skills and leadership to make it happen. You will feel a certain inner strength guiding you and good things will happen for you this month. You may be presented with an opportunity too, know that you have what it takes to make it work, thrive and succeed.
Guidance - Remain determined, let nothing sway you, you have worked hard to get where you are and accumulated a lot of wisdom along the way. Embrace resilience and have courage to push through as success is right around the corner. This is also a good time to let go of incomplete projects and step out of old patterns such as a need to defend yourself or fight for things you have, let this old way go. Time to step into the belief that what you want can now come easily to you, like a gift from the universe!
Leo - July 23 - Aug 22
October sees you in the energy of happiness & abundance, you have or are just about to achieve your goals with a project or period in your life. You will feel more in alignment as you realise that you have what you have wanted for a very long time. Revel in your success and feelings of connection. Enjoy these moments for a little, before you move on to your next steps. You have come full circle and may also find yourself in the right place at the right time this month.
Guidance - Take some time to pause, to enjoy where you are, as your situation is stable and secure. Take time to think about your future and where you are heading, then plan out your future steps...and remember to add in how you want to feel, this is super important! There is more goodness to come, energy is growing behind the scenes so make deliberate choices that are in alignment with your hearts truth and watch your life flourish.
Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22
October sees the energy of stability and strong foundations enter your sign. It is the right time to take charge of the situation at hand, and do so with strong, disciplined throughout processes. Any guidance you receive this month will be on point and it will be in your favour to take in on board, even if it seems too structured for you, it will be right and to your benefit. A father figure or trusted authority figure is likely to present this month too.
Guidance - Use the strong supportive energy this month by putting it towards your ambitions and they will surely come to wonderful fruition with a little determination, dedication & discipline. Your ideas are ready to be turned into something that will bring you financial stability and wealth in all areas of your life. Also consider that there may be something new that you can do or add into what you are already doing that will make it really flourish.
Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22
Hold on to your hat because October brings plenty of opportunities for fun, excitement and plenty of planning. This is a great time to embrace all the good things in life, including your creative spark. This will be a busy month for you as you feel into this passionate and enthusiastic energy. Keep your eye out for someone who enters your life who is genuine and will help you see life from a different perspective.
Guidance - Use this energy to focus on your passion and to create a buzz of energy around it, then to bring it to fruition. Get planning, be methodical about it and begin taking the well thought out steps knowing that you are on the right track. This is especially true in regards to career and finances. Following a routine and dedicated work will get you where you want to go with your passion.
Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21
October brings fast moving energy, the perfect time to actively pursue your goals. You will feel filled with, or have access to, strength, ambition and determination. There may be sudden changes and you will be able to access a feeling of inner strength and make educated decisions which will lead you swiftly towards your desired outcome. Communication will be strong and clear.
Guidance - You can bring balance to the situation by centering in on your heart, looking for balance and remembering to consider people's emotions when taking actions, respect is key here. Commit to your goal and combine the fast moving energy with a creative and nurturing touch, it will be more fulfilling and bring it to a long term outcome for you.
Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21
October brings an energy shift for you, filled with clarity, a new door is opening, bringing you clarity and wonderful new ideas. It is like a fog has lifted and now you can see clearly. Keep your eye on the bigger picture and don't allow anything to deter you, including old ways of thinking...you are awakening to something new and wonderful, just trust in the clarity and allow yourself to be okay with feeling uncomfortable at times.
Guidance - You must clear up old loose ends, let go of half done or unfinished projects and celebrate all that you have achieved. Have a good look at how far you have come and all that you have achieved so far, then choose to move on to your next phase, embracing all that you have learned about yourself and the world. Understand your valuable and important role in the situation, and/or your life and give yourself a pat on the back.
Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20
Time my dear to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your dedication as you begin to shine from within. This month, things are easy for you as you enjoy a sense of inner peace and ease around you. Enjoy the beautiful things in life, spend time happily in nature, nurturing your spirit, and indulge in making you and your home beautiful...lean into this beautiful feminine energy of success, contentment and grace.
Guidance - Let go of any old worries about money, they no longer serve you as you shift into this period of abundance. Enjoy time with those who mean the most to you. This is also a great time for looking at long term financial investments too. Spreading both your feelings of peace and fulfilment as well as your financial rewards will make it all the more sweet for you!
Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19
This month everything's coming together for you and life is filled with love and happiness. You may feel like your wishes for happiness and fulfilment have been granted. Stress is out the window and you are surrounded with trustworthy and beautiful relationships, home life is amazing and your heart is filled with joy. There may be a holiday and be open to gifts from the universe too. Lean into your intuition this month as it is spot on!
Guidance - Let nothing sway you from these wonderful feelings and gifts, if you are challenged, have courage knowing that you do deserve the best in life, sit in your incredible self confidence, be brave and do any self improvement work that will allow you to let go of tension, rise above it and stand firm in your knowledge that you earned this, and so it is yours to keep! Keep your confidence in your abilities high.
Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20
You are being asked to let go of something this month as the energy of transformation is brought in, this is a wonderful gift for your growth and expansion. The energy of change is strong, so remember that when one door closes, another opens. Have faith that you will be looked after and things will get better. Everything in life moves in cycles, it is the natural way, time to release what is moving away from you so you can bring in the new, positive energy.
Guidance - Focus on your long term vision for yourself and then make bold decisions, you have made progress and need to be patient to reap the rewards. You may also need to decide, will you stay in your comfort zone and have things stay the same, or will you move towards the calling of your heart, which you will have to be brave to do so. Meaning, is there another way in which you can align yourself with your dreams.
Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium