Your 'Positive' Guidance for your horoscope for January 2022; to help you enjoy your journey and make the most of the energy surrounding you this month. (Stick to your horoscope only for best results)
HOW IT WORKS: The first section is the energy that is surrounding your horoscope for this month, and what types of things are likely to arise. The second section is the positive guidance to help you to enhance your month and make the most of it.
Read your guidance for the month and apply this positivity & guidance to as many areas of your life as you see fit. It may make sense in all areas of your life or may be more specific to a certain area; such as relationships, career, finances, family, health, spirituality, home and more.
I believe in positive messages for the heart. We are all on the path to our best lives and best selves...now go and have an amazing month you wonderful person!
Book in for a private session with me here: www.sunshinecoastspiritmedium.com.au
or connect with me at: sunshinecoastspiritmedium@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/SunshineCoastSpiritMedium to discuss an accurate private one on one, phone / zoom video session from anywhere in the world.
Blessings, Love and Light
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium
Quick Links: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aries - March 21 - April 19

The new year brings a new spring in your step as you feel enthusiastic and ready to make a go of the year ahead. This month you will find that help from others will move things along nicely. You are on the right track with your financial and spiritual goals and will benefit from working with others. You may even find a course to study which will enhance your skills.
Guidance - Its time to move forward with a fresh frame of mind, let go of any misgivings and approaching life with a sense of fun will create a flow of ease for you. You have access to everything that you need, just don't make it too complicated. Keep it simple and follow your dreams.
Taurus - April 20 - May 20

Success is surrounding you this month, this is a good time to invest! This is a great month to be pragmatic, to plan and think about the future, to feel into the success that you want and allow the excitement therein to draw you towards it, keep your mindset solid and work hard. If you know what works best for you, stick with it. This is a great month to enjoy yourself by spending on things that make you happy and make your life richer.
Guidance - Get grounded by working with your hands or getting out in nature. No more dreaming, now is the time to knuckle down and get started…this means, not thinking about catastrophic consequences, let go of these unproductive thoughts and fears and make a clear choice about your life/goal.
Gemini - May 21 - June 20

January is a month of transition for you, you may feel like you have to leave something behind but know that you are moving forward towards a brighter/better day. This month you are being guided and supported by your guides/ the universes etc, as you are being nudged to grow and move on with your life.
Guidance - Get any closure that you need now so you can heal and move on free of baggage as you are at the beginning of a new period of prosperity and personal growth. Laugh in the face of your fears, see them and this disempowers them. No more procrastinating, your best life is waiting…do this by getting really good at visualising what you want!
Cancer - June 21 - July 22

January will have you feeling powerful and passionate, this is a get things done month. You can plug into the energy of intention, create a vision (or strengthen it) and your long term view of your plans/life. It is likely that an opportunity will present itself this month that you now have the ability to take and prosper with. Any challenges that arrive, you can handle effortlessly.
Guidance - Open your mind to the limitless number of opportunities available to you before you make a choice, there is always a way, even if you haven't been able to see it up until now. There is a deep wisdom within you and it is time to stop limiting yourself. Honour your ‘me’ time and do a detox or cleanse from your body and or relationships. Writing is great for you at this time.
Leo - July 23 - Aug 22

January may have you feeling challenged, either from within your mind or in the form of competition and lack of understanding with others. However you will be able to look at these challenges with enthusiasm and know that you need to use this enthusiasm and expanded viewpoint to bring the scattered energy into alignment. You are being encouraged to be open to diversity and to others point of view.
Guidance - Stay centred and grounded during this time of strong energy. Look after your body and your diet with small portions of healthy food. Being physically active will help you to move the energy and stay clear.
Virgo - Aug 23 - Sept 22

Perfection, passion and harmony surround you this month and you will find that you have a decision to make on a deep level. Your belief system is growing and you may find it challenged this month, keep strong boundaries and think about the outcome of both choices. The easiest way is not always what is best in the long run, it is safe to move on as you may have outgrown an old situation. On a relationship level, you may find deep passion.
Guidance - Keep your faith strong and remain determined and resolute. Give your love and loyalty to those you love and cherish as well as staying true to yourself. Volunteering is great for you at this time.
Libra - Sept 23-Oct 22

You know what you are doing and where you are headed. This month is one of waiting for your rewards to come in and also, becoming aware of what is next for you or your business. Travel is likely this month for you. This is a time of progression and you have opportunities to expand which will come at you from beyond your current horizons. Remain open minded and dream beyond your current limitations.
Guidance - Put on your best face in order to get the job done and trust what you see in peoples faces, over what they say. Be creative in getting to where you want to be. You are also being guided to increase your fruit intake.
Scorpio - October 23 - Nov 21

A state of balance and calm is surrounding you this month, things will work out exactly as karma plans and always in your best interests, legal issues will work out in your favour. Truth and fairness surround you this month and you are being encouraged to look at your choices in order to create the life that you want in the future. You may also have a big decision to make this month.
Guidance - Be patient and determined and stick with it, you will achieve what you are after. Stop taking on too much and slow down and enjoy life a bit more. Your wisdom will be stronger when you slow down. Eating more vegetables will help you to feel lighter.
Sagittarius - Nov 22 - Dec 21

This month, you will have to choose your perception sweetheart as things may not have worked out exactly as you wanted them to. Remember that changing your dreams to adjust to your growing journey of life is okay. It can be hard to move on, but by allowing yourself to forgive and then adjust your plans will free you. Look at things from a glass half full perspective, as things will improve.
Guidance - Trust your sense about people and protect your energy. Spend some time alone, in nature and eat small regular meals instead of big ones. Pursue creative or artistic interests that you have suppressed until now. Let go of worries as much as you can and play and have fun.
Capricorn - Dec 22 - Jan 20

Keep going even during times of quietness as your seeds are germinating and growing beneath the surface. (Don't give in to frustration) You are almost there and now is a great time to look at where you are headed and make any course corrections that you may need. This is a great time for a breather and to give thanks for what you already have achieved so far. Your hard work will definitely pay off.
Guidance - Keep your mind and your focus strong, you are much more powerful and durable than you think you are. Remember that you have what it takes. Be loving, compassionate and patient with yourself and with life.
Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 19

This month is a time of financial stability for you after a tough time. You are in flow with money and find yourself able to help those in need where you can, or maybe you are able to let yourself be helped by another. Everything feels more balanced this month as things are taking a turn for the better. This is a month of giving and generosity.
Guidance - Whether you know it or not, you are embarking on a spiritual pilgrimage that will feed your soul. Trust in your senses to tell you when to move ahead or when to retreat. Start thinking and ‘feeling’ abundant as greater abundance is headed your way.
Pisces - Feb 20 - March 20

January brings new beginnings in terms of dreams for your financial future, it's time to use this enthusiasm. You will feel focused and energised about your future this month, use this energy to make clear plans. There is also the possibility of a new job or new study this month as you lean into this energy of excitement and commitment.
Guidance - Be flexible with the twists and turns as life may be changing slightly for you. Surround yourself with love and flowers and all things that bring sweetness to your heart as you are being encouraged to take on a perspective of fun and joy as this is the direction you are so wanting to head in…a fulfilled and purposeful life.
Have a wonderful month and may your heart shine brightly from within!
Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium