Quick links: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, About Brooke.
Aries - March 21 to April 20

This month you have a very positive and charismatic energy around you. It is all about knowing who you are, what you want and going for it with enthusiasm and determination while you tap into this abundant and easy energy around you. You will be spending time with a warm and friendly person, one who is driven, and is encouraging you towards success for yourself. This person has excellent advice for you and you will do well to take it on. As this person (likely a female) is very charismatic, they will be gleaning a lot of attention from others too, this can be a positive for you if you examine the traits that make this person so great to be around and you can embody them yourself too…learn from them rather than feeling insecure.
You will be feeling organised and success will come as a result of this organisation.
Guidance: Take some time to have a look at where you have come from and where you are headed. You have made some changes in your life and have left behind some old things and this is good. You are headed on a new phase in your journey of life and this is a moment to catch your breath, settle and nurture yourself with a massage or healing or even a movie night on the couch.
Your mentor is here to help you find your next steps and to help you uncover and revive the best parts of you.
Taurus - April 21 to May 21

This month you will be feeling inspired to chase after new passions. Opportunities are around you, and the air is filled with an exciting current as you feel like a new sapling breaking free of earth and reaching towards the sun. Potential is limitless and ideas are flowing. It is likely that you will have a very enthusiastic and adventurous person in your life this month, one who encourages change, fun and new opportunities. This is a month for fresh starts, new ideas and lots of inspiration, perhaps you are headed in a new direction!
Guidance: Follow your intuition, embrace the unknown with courage and don't give in to old fears, that voice in your head that nudges you to stay in your comfort zone and stay with what you know….it means well, but it will not help you to grow and have an amazing life filled with new adventures and fun. If old feelings or thoughts come up and try to stop you, do some healing work around this old programming (EFT Tapping is great for this) so you can let go of it and move on to these new adventures in your life. Also pay attention to your dreams as there will be messages and guidance for you there and your intuition will help to guide you too. Remember intuition is the quiet voice, the quick one right before your loud voice takes over, intuition is also your gut feeling. If it is decisions you are making, you are advised to go slow and gather all of the information over time before making your choice ….feel into situations rather than thinking they mean this or that.
Gemini - May 22 to June 21

This month is one for positive change, you will be surrounded by creativity, new emotions and wonderful, fun, generous people. This is someone who embraces childlike innocence and fun, with a wonderful imagination and so much love to give, they are also extremely reliable. New romance is a possibility this month, or a new phase in an existing relationship, like more romance, an engagement, pregnancy or birth. There is also the possibility for news around new opportunities with a job which will work out for the better. This month your creativity will be flowing and you may very well discover new aspects of yourself. You will be feeling intuitive as the energy is flowing well around you and a creative or intuitive class or activity is on the cards for you too.
Guidance: Amidst all of this wonderful intuitive and creative energy, you are being guided to combine it; to balance life, with being grounded and practical too. Don’t let yourself get so caught up in this open-hearted beautiful energy that you neglect yourself or your surroundings, be mindful to take care of practical things like home, family and work too. Be sure to nurture yourself and those you love and keep your surroundings inspiring and beautiful. It looks like time to yourself in which you nurture your creative side will be well balanced by scheduling some me time at the spa and some family picnic time this month.
Cancer - June 22 to July 22

This month you are surrounded by the energy of change and of surrender, the good news is that hard times are coming to an end. It is a time to stop pushing yourself. As you look deeply at yourself, take time to breathe and find stillness. Some old patterns and beliefs are coming to an end and you will find yourself creating more balance in your life. If this is a month of endings, it is also a month of beginnings and that means freedom and new opportunities for you as this tough time draws to a close. Take care of your back and neck this month and know that whatever it is that ends, is for your highest good, as it leaves room for something more spectacular.
Guidance: Your guidance this month is to embrace your resilience and sense of inner calm to help you to think about things differently and thus, to feel differently. Use your inner strength; that part of you that gets you through anything, to fill you with confidence, with assurance that change is positive. Take positive control of your thoughts and aim yourself towards a happy future. You are encouraged to act instead of reacting to situations or people; meaning don’t react out of fear, pain or anger, instead, calm yourself and act out of forgiveness, love or compassion, think about what you want and act in ways that will make you proud.
Leo - July 23 to Aug 22

This month the energy of stability, organisation, strategy and logic are all around you, making it easier for you to focus and bring what you are working on towards success. It is likely that you will have a strong leader come into your life to help you apply guidelines to your life or projects, and give you sound advice and knowledge that will help you with structure and control in your personal life and/or business.
Things will be feeling very steady and secure and may find yourself in positions of power and authority as you take on some sort of leadership. This month you will have opportunities to share your knowledge and wisdom with others in order to help them find success too.
Guidance: Be brave, step out of your comfort zone and take action to pursue your vision. Now is a time to take calculated risks and explore new options that will create growth for you. Plan for all possibilities, use the energy and skills available to you this month and step out of your comfort zone to see what else awaits you in this world. This month is all about logic, planning, structure and going for your dreams with an attitude of leadership.
Virgo - Aug 23 to Sept 22

This Month is all about clear thinking with control and clarity in your communications, as there is a very strong and direct mental energy around you. This month you are in your power and facts and logic will be important. Dealings with professionals such as solicitors or accountants are likely. This person may come across as detached but know that it is because they are more interested in providing excellent service to you with their skillset, rather than being warm and fuzzy.
The influence of a person of authority or power who is very influential, knowledgeable and well spoken is a powerful asset and just what you need right now. This person is very realistic, who will be encouraging you to look at things from a perspective of logic and facts rather than from an emotional perspective.
Guidance: Celebrate your accomplishments to this point, and as the energy of a current project or time in your life wraps up, begin to look forward towards the next thing. You have gained many skills and are being encouraged to weave them throughout your daily life on a more consistent basis. It's time to finish something up, to get closure and make room for something new to come into your life, also take pride in all that you have achieved.
Libra - Sept 23 to Oct 22

This is a wonderful month for you, filled with the joyful, exuberant energy of innocence, fun and optimism. This month you will be enjoying your life to the fullest, feeling happy, enjoying relationships and enjoying life. The energy around you is high and is filled with vitality and positivity. This is a great time to take a little holiday or just some time off to bask in this wonderful energy that is surrounding you. If things have been tough, this month will see things getting better and you will be feeling like you are getting back on track. This month, radiance surrounds and fills you and others will notice.
Guidance: Persist where you need to, be resourceful and protect your strong boundaries. Don't let yourself get dragged down by anyone and don't let them deplete your energy, keep asserting yourself and being proud of everything you are. Be clear in your goals and communicate this clearly with others. Surround yourself with positive and strong minded people who will have your back and always remember to have your own back too, for that is the foundation of success in any area of your life.
Scorpio - Oct 23 to Nov 21

This month the energy of celebration, abundance and new ventures are all around you. This could mean a new home, a marriage, a promotion or projects coming to completion. Things will be settling down now and before you get on with life, make sure to take advantage of this energy and have a gathering or celebration with friends. Enjoy this time of happiness and security, for you are in the right place and there is an air of harmony around you.
Guidance - If you are feeling like you not quite there yet, you are being guided to lean deeply into the wellspring of knowledge that is within your heart, it will guide you right as long as you don't let your head overtake. This is also a great time to use your intuitive nudges to pay attention to ideas that are flowing in at this prosperous time, because if you act on them in the coming months, they will lead to wonderful results. Being happy and in the energy of joy is the key to tapping into your intuition and inner guidance, so use this time to pay attention to the ideas and guidance that come up for you.
Sagittarius - Nov 22 to Dec 21

This month things might be feeling a bit tough as there is an introverted stuck energy around you. Remember there is always help at hand but the drive to close yourself away from others... and to not burden others off will be strong. Money may be tight at this time or you may just be feeling a bit disconnected from life or some people. The key is to remember that you are not alone and you don't need to be a martyr, instead, let others help you. This month you may feel that something is missing in your life, that you need something more… so make sure you ask yourself a good question like, “What can I do to navigate this energy around me so I can feel a bit better?” Also, just rest when you need to.
Guidance: Your guidance to navigate this energy is to get creative, to think outside the box and to do this with a sense of innocence. Stop the adulting for a bit and have fun, play more, fill your heart with love in every way you can…get creative. It's time to head towards your dreams, putting them on hold is not working, you must remember that you are here to live a happy life, Put yourself around people who make you feel good. Nurture your inner voice and strengthen your connection to the spirit within.
Capricorn - Dec 22 to Jan 20

This month you have access to to emotional mastery and balance. Your intuition will be on point and you will also be feeling a combination of calm with inner strength. Success and fulfilment are swirling all around you and this is a great time to put your energy into accomplishing wonderful things in your life. You may find yourself wanting to help others and share these wonderful feelings, and also, to indulge in creative activities too. It is very likely that you will have a warm and generous person come into your life this month, one who's heart is pure and who's wisdom is wonderful and welcome advice.
Guidance: Your guidance this month is to stay in this wonderful energy and not allow yourself to indulge in worry or stress, you are guided to free yourself from all forms of negative thinking. Give yourself some time off from worrying and see how it goes, see how life is when you don't worry or question yourself ... and instead focus on the positive, you just might like it. (It does take practice and persistence to change the way we think, but with determination, it can certainly be done)
Aquarius - Jan 21 to Feb 19

This month carries an introverted energy of looking within and healing old wounds. Your thoughts might be laden with heaviness, even disappointment too as someone may do you wrong, thus, this is a great time to nurture yourself and look after you. The energy around you will feel a little out of harmony and on a physical note, you should look after your heart this month. This is not a good month to invest or change jobs. There is a lot of emotions this month and you are encouraged to look at things from a different perspective to shed a new light on your life. Remember, challenges help us to grow and evolve in life.
Guidance - Keep your faith high, the universe knows what it is doing, even if it seems that you are hurt or alone, there is a greater purpose and things will begin to feel better very soon. You are encouraged to make the choice to move to something better, get yourself going and moving towards a more peaceful and supportive environment. Leave behind any old baggage, do forgiveness work on whatever it is that is bothering you and let go of what you can, so you can give yourself more freedom and room to move as you move out of this period in your life. Know that you are entering a phase of healing / renewal.
Pisces - Feb 20 to March 20

There is a lot of energy buzzing around you this month, things are moving quickly as you tap into this fast thinking, ambitious and driven energy. You will accomplish many goals and feel yourself feeling very clear and assertive in your communications and actions. This is a great time to get things done but be mindful to make sure you think things through in this energy, as it will be easy to act impulsively. Your focus is strong and your goals are coming closer every day. It is also likely that you will have someone come into your life who has great and grand ideas, boundless enthusiasm and is chomping at the bit to get going, they may even push the wrong buttons in people along the way.
Guidance - Your guidance is to free yourself of old and limiting ways of thinking that have you thinking you are stuck, by looking past your fears and seeing instead, the opportunities that are around you. The energy around you this month is going to help you to shift some old patterns and ways of thinking, so don't struggle against it, trying to hold on to the old, instead, free yourself so you can open up to new experiences and a new level of living by allowing yourself to see things from a more expanded perspective. If you are unsure what to do, stay put and seek help and guidance from a professional.
About Brooke - Sunshine Coast Spirit Medium
As a natural born psychic medium, Brooke is a talented and humble medium who lovingly passes on messages from passed over loved ones or spirit guides.
With a strong focus on bringing through evidence, event memories and personalities, a medium reading offers a chance to heal, laugh and send love.
My Spirit Medium, Healing and Tarot readings specialize in accessing divine guidance for you as to your next step or a decision that you are faced with.
Guidance, Healing & Messages from Spirit for Your Highest Good
Spiritual Healing, Reiki Master & Shamanic healing
Intuitive/Psychic & Medium Readings
Spiritual Coach
My focus is on getting you the guidance from spirit that you are looking for, connecting you with your passed over loved ones and bringing through their messages for you.
Helping you to see what is blocking your progress to your happiness and/or success, and helping you to find ways to get yourself back on the path to true fulfilment.
I specialise in Medium readings where I communicate with passed over loved ones and bring you evidence & messages to help heal your heart and soul.
I am here to guide you through life’s most complex and difficult matters. Whatever you’re going through, I‘m here to help you find your way forward.
Brooke BB